Just Transition Webinar series: Urban Freight

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Just Transition Webinar series: Urban Freight
14 March 2023 - 14:00-15:30 CET - Online


Challenges for the labour market

Companies face challenges related to technology, cost, and workforce. Several factors, such as increasing automation and use of technology, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the rise of e-commerce, have put pressure on the logistics sector and changed the working conditions.

Several jobs are at risk, for instancem the logistics sector and OEMs are raising their voices about drivers’ shortages that could prevent logistics flows to be efficient as before.

The webinar will explore this challenge and will also investigate what big retailers are doing to make sure that fair and just conditions for workers are in place. The webinar will also explore also innovative initiatives that aim to upskill the workforce and new job opportunities that ensure a more sustainable urban freight transport.

We hear from speakers including; Carolina Cipres, Zaragoza Logistics Centre, Dirk Jocquet, VIL – Cluster Logistics of Flanders, and Renaud Sarrazin, Urbike.  



About the Just Transition Webinar Series

At the 2021 Annual POLIS Conference in Gothernburg, we launched the Just Transition Agenda. 

Urban mobility has to change substantively, to become cleaner and more resilient- this is no secret. However, affordability, safety, and inclusivity must be at the heart of this transition.

However, there is a long road (train track and bike lane) yet to travel.  

Therefore, we are delighted to announce our Just Transition webinar series. Across several online events from January to March 2023, we will traverse the multifaceted ways affordability, gender-related mobility patterns, age, cognitive capacities (and more), can guide the future of our cities and regions.  

A truly Just Transition is one which addresses imbalance and unfairness across the entire mobility spectrum. Thus, each webinar will launch an examination into mobility justice from a specific perspective, in accordance with POLIS’ different working groups.  

From freight to parking, traffic efficiency to active travel, electromobility to safety- and everything in between- we begin to discuss how each sector has its part to play, the challenges ahead, and how are cities and regions are treading new ground. 



14 Mar 2023 from  2:00 PM to  3:30 PM
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