Public Transport Lab: Complementing mass transit with shared mobility

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This webinar will examine how cities and regions can steer shared mobility to support public transport, exploring how to strategically integrate shared e-mobility hubs with the public transport network.

Complementing mass transit with shared mobility

9 November, 11:00-12:30 CET

Public Transport is the backbone of Urban Mobility, but not necessarily the best tool for all travel demands. Accelerating the shift to sustainable mobility requires making convenient, reliable and affordable options available for all travel needs – including trips taking place in lower densities and off-peak hours, and trips feeding the mass transit corridors.

This is a large and complex challenge. The public sector cannot face it alone, and fast-growing new mobility services can help address it. How can cities and regions can steer Shared Mobility to support Public Transport?

In this Public Transport Lab we’ll share and discuss different initiatives and options, from Greater Manchester’s e-hubs to Uber’s vision on the potential of ride-hailing, going through Lisbon’s micromobility pass, SBB’s digital and physical connections between rail and e-scooters, and Noord-Brabant’s approach to public-private partnerships.


Bring your lab coat – lots of experiments to explore!



11h00 Welcome & Introductions

Pedro Homem de Gouveia, POLIS


11h10 Kick-off Statements

Ian Inglis, Senior Project Manager, Transport for Greater Manchester

SBB Swiss Railway

Arjan van Andel, Public Transit Partnerships, Uber

John Kuijs, Mobility Strategist, Province of Noord-Brabant

Andrea Vota, Public Policy Manager, Bolt


11h40 Panel Discussion Questions from the audience will be welcome.


12h30 End of Webinar



9 Nov 2021 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
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