Just Transition Webinar: Embracing gender equity in urban transport - Insights from leading cities

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Just Transition Webinar: Embracing gender equity in urban transport - Insights from leading cities
27 March 2024 - 11:00-12:00 (CET)

Join us for an insightful webinar hosted by POLIS as part of our ongoing initiatives for International Women’s Month. As advocates for gender equality in urban development, we are thrilled to present a discussion featuring esteemed panellists who have successfully integrated a gender lens into their work within the transport sector.

In this engaging session, our panellists will share their experiences and strategies for advancing gender equity in transport policies and practices. From innovative infrastructure designs to inclusive public transport initiatives, our speakers will explore how cities and transport authorities can foster a more inclusive and accessible urban environment for all.

Confirmed panellists include representatives from Ile-de-France Mobilities, the city of Vienna, and the city of Lisbon, who will share their unique perspectives on the topic. 

Our speakers will be:

  • Elodie Hanen, Deputy Managing Director in charge of Development, Île-de-France Mobilités
  • Julia Girardi-Hoog, Gender Planning and Target Area Manager, City of Vienna
  • Rita Jacinto, Programme Manager and Ergonomist at Lisbon's Pedestrian Accessibility Plan, Lisbon City Council

Do not miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and learn from leaders driving positive change in urban transport. Join us as we collectively strive towards creating safer, more equitable, and sustainable cities for everyone!

Register now to secure your spot and be part of this empowering discussion!

More on the Just Transition

At the 2021 Annual POLIS Conference in Gothenburg, POLIS launched the Just Transition Agenda, where we established key actions needed to ensure a fair, equitable, inclusive, and sustainable urban mobility transition. We have seen some inspiring progress since then; however, there is still much more to be done. This is why we have established the Just Transition Taskforce to help us integrate the Just Transition across all of POLIS’ activities, putting citizens first and ensuring that the mobility transition we strive towards is one that has everyone on board.

27 Mar 2024 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Event Zoom Notes
Event Zoom Notes Jonas Chupin - jonas.chupin@iledefrance-mobilites.fr , Cedric AUBOUIN - cedric.aubouin@iledefrance-mobilites.fr , Barbara Bernardi - barbara.bernardi@ec.europa.eu , Ulfi Puarada - ulfi.hikma@gmail.com , Ana Ionescu - ana.m.ionescu@outlook.com , Chiara Ricchetti - chiara.ricchetti@phd.units.it , Juliette Thijs - jthijs@polisnetwork.eu , Ioulia Leventopoulou - ileventopoulou@urbana.gr , Jennifer Rivera - jenniferrivera23@gmail.com , Dee Tshabalala - deemaks20@gmail.com , Nuria Perez - nuria.perez.brandon@rne.eu , Cristina Bircu - cbircu@iuav.it , Felicity Heathcote-Marcz - felicity@bare-analysis.co.uk , Aurore Moerman - aumoerman@sprb.brussels , Sakinah Pandor - sakinahpandor91@gmail.com , Matilde Rodrigues - matilde.rodrigues@acp.pt , Jonathan De Vriendt - jdevriendt@polisnetwork.eu , Carlotta Inserra - cinserra@polisnetwork.eu , Adrián Vicente - avicentep@valencia.es , Andy Hyde - hello@upstream.scot , Maria Coutinho - mariazevedocoutinho@gmail.com , Maya El Khawand - maya.el-khawand@enpc.fr , Marina Papamakarios - marina.papamakarios@brabantwallon.be , Isobel Duxfield - i.duxfield@btinternet.com , Verena Knöll - verena@familieknoell.de , Diána Kimmer - diana.kimmer@bkk.hu , Heidi Heikkilä - heidi.heik@gmail.com , Juliana Betancur Arenas - juliana.betancur.arenas@vub.be , Marianne Weinreich - maw@weinreichmobility.dk , Ana Vanishvili - ana.vanishvili@eiturbanmobility.eu , Annika Kunnasvirta - annika.kunnasvirta@turkuamk.fi , Carla Knecht - cknecht@yvelines.fr , Lydia Rosova - lydia.rosova@skodagroup.com , sibila sobral - sibila.sobral@cm-lisboa.pt , Michal Kuzia - m.kuzia@wznj.umg.edu.pl , Laïna Seme - laina.seme@iledefrance-europe.eu , Nadine Kostorz-W. - nadine.kostorz@kit.edu , Julia Wiegand - ju.wiegand@posteo.de , Muktai Rajendra Godbole - godmuktai@gmail.com , Wandi Chivaura - wandifadza.chivaura@epf.eu , Eliane Nemoto - eliane.nemoto@iclei.org , Michail Karampasis - mkarampasis@oseth.com.gr , Jennifer McGrath - jennifer.mcgrath@dublincity.ie , Mario Alves - mariojalves@gmail.com , Elma Meskovic-Imsirovic - elma.meskovic@iclei.org , Camila Garcia - camila.garcia@tmlmobilidade.pt , Kathryn Bulanowski - kathryn.bulanowski@epf.eu , Cassandre de Froidmont - c.de-froidmont@ecf.com , Pedro Pinto - pedro.c.pinto@cm-lisboa.pt , Marion Pignel - marion.pignel@eurocities.eu , Kateřina KÜHROVÁ - katerina.kuhrova@eurocities.eu , Clémence Castell - clemence.castell@instant-system.com , Raquel Alario - ralario.etraid@grupooetra.com , Robyn Fleming - r.fleming@ecf.com , Laura Babio - lbabio@polisnetwork.eu , Pedro (TML) - pedro.machado@tmlmobilidade.pt , Charlotte Fléchon - charlotte.flechon@ptvgroup.com , IFIGENEIA BALAMPEKOU - ibalampekou@oseth.com.gr , Andreas Nikiforiadis - anikiforiadis@certh.gr , Florencia Lambrosquini - flambrosquini@gmail.com , Astrid Zwegers - astrid.zwegers@eindhoven.nl , Clara Schneider - c.schneider@rupprecht-consult.eu , Annie Kortsar - akorts@certh.gr , Giuseppe Sirignano - g.sirignano@mail.ertico.com , Heather Allen - heather@heatherallen.co , Dorota Gajda-Kutowinska - dorota.gajda-kutowinska@gdansk.gda.pl , Andrew Winder - a.winder@mail.ertico.com , Esen Köse - esen.kose@mpact.be , Nieve Greene - nieve.greene@gmail.com , Sarab TAY-GUYOT - sarab.tay-guyot@valeo.com , Christina Makoundou - christina.makoundou@uantwerpen.be , ALESSIA ROSSI - alessia.rossi@tr.etat.lu , Alessia Giorgiutti - agiorgiutti@polisnetwork.eu , Till Beer - till.beer@eawag.ch , Fanny Boccioli - fboccioli@polisnetwork.eu , Andreia Lopes Azevedo - alopes@polisnetwork.eu , Elisa Kamps - e.kamps@vervoerregio.nl , Kelly Pronk - k.pronk@vervoerregio.nl , Alexia Collignon - acollignon@polisnetwork.eu.
Unmatched Zoom Participants POLIS Project - jlucca@polisnetwork.eu , Julia Girardi-Hoog (Vienna) - julia.girardi-hoog@wien.gv.at , Rita Jacinto (Lisbon) - rita.jacinto@cm-lisboa.pt , Elodie Hanen (Ile-De-France Mobilités) - elodie.hanen@iledefrance-mobilites.fr.
Zoom Join Link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85146182868
Zoom Register Link https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_szy0lI0DSneKqjymrR4dLQ