Registration is now open for the POLIS Conference 2021 in Gothenburg, Sweden
Hot off the press: Latest issue of Thinking Cities is now available
On-Demand Mobility Operators sign New Paradigm for Safe City Streets
Applications are open for the 10th SUMP Award
Brussels will phase-out diesel cars by 2030 and fuel vehicles by 2035
Paris is radically changing parking management
Amsterdam leads the way: integrated planning for charging infrastructure done right
Public transport in Barcelona generates 2.4 bn per year, study shows
Small and medium-sized cities discuss urban nodes, zero-emission freight and city attractiveness
MOVE21: European cities lead transition to zero-emission transport in urban areas
New projects in European cities will trial clean air solutions for freight
New policy brief now available on promoting soft mobility in the Mediterranean region
Barcelona residents achieve lowering street speed limit building on self-generated data
Electromobility: a green boost for European automotive jobs?
ERTRAC Annual Conference 2021
Creating the conditions for flexible, zero-emission, 100% electric city logistics
Horizon Europe Workshop for Transport Innovators in the UK, Europe and beyond
Street Space Management in Bremen – Key for mobility and quality of life
eHUBS International Academy (applications close on 16 July)